Experienced discrimination or hateful incident?

We're here to support you.

Connect with a counselorreport an incident
Graphic of two women holding a card with a heart in the middle
graphic of woman sitting in a field of sunflowers
Who are we?

Our mission is to make reporting hate incidents easier, accessible, and discreet. Specifically we are targeting any discriminatory and hateful acts against marginalized groups such as, but not limited to, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled-body, woman-identifying, and transgender groups. Because reporting hate incidents to any authorities are unnecessarily complicated, most hate incidents go unreported and perpetrators are not held accountable for the physical and mental trauma they cause on victims. Therefore, our goal of this project is to create a tool people can use to report incidents, submit evidence, and see live reports of where a hate incident/crime occurred. By doing so we hope to foster a safer and more inclusive environment of any and all people.

graphic of woman holding a big heart balloon
What Do We Do?

Our goal is to help those who have encountered prejudice or discriminatory acts by providing a safe online space to share experiences while also having confidential access to effective resources to heal resulting trauma. We provide an informational feed and map of real time reported discriminatory incidents, as well as a live chat with immediate access to counseling, mental health resources, and legal aid.

Help us Out!

We would love to hear feedback from you about how we can better support you when you experience discrimination. Feel free to contact as by email or submit a form through our website.

graphic of a woman coming out of phone and reaching out to a man outside of phone
Live Chat

Through Hear For You we hope to provide a 24/7, high-quality chat-based support that empowers a community of trained volunteers to support and provide relief to people who experienced discrimination or any hateful incidents. We believe in the power of human connection in traumatic moments. A live chat is an opportunity for people to receive resources in real time to help with the negative after-effects of hate incidents, discriminatory practices, and prejudice.

graphic of woman holding on chat bubbles
Incident Forum

In a recent survey, we discovered that 73% of the participants have experienced or witnessed some form of discrimination based on their identities. Of those who have experienced or witnessed discrimination, 80% say it occurs in public setting but are less likely to report incidents due to concerns for personal safety and distrust of the police. When asked about how we can prevent discriminatory incidents, many highlighted the importance of community and accountability. Our incident forum focuses on community and holding each other accountable. We made it anonymous so that people feel safe to report incidents of discrimination in their local area. With some regulation and guidelines we hope to foster accountability in others as well as a sense of community responsibility in preventing discrimination and foster an inclusive future.